ELITE Ball Handling and Conditioning Test
Every GREAT player can perform as well in 4th quarter and OT, as they do in the first few minutes of the game. Do YOU have the Desire To Be Great? We will see, only time will tell. This product can be LIFE changing because it is not only a workout, but it is a TEST that examines your skill level and mental toughness. The program consists of 4 quarters of high intensity game action drills and exercises and an OVERTIME Burnout that you will love. Well, if you can make it through! Professional Level Basketball Techniques and Mastermind Mentality Testing… You ready?
Product Delivery
The HIGH Level Drills and Testing Instructions will be sent to you via text or email for easy access! Going to the gym? No problem. Working on your handle in the Concrete Jungle? Take this with you. Want to do the test with teammates and friends? Share it with them! Yall always say “I need to add more to bag..” Or “I want CRAZY bag work”.. Add to Cart and CHECKOUT THEN.