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The Danger of Not Having Mental Toughness

The Danger of Not Having Mental Toughness

I wanted my first book to be an inspirational book that can help with not only overcoming adversity, but also provide a message to emphasize how you can use adversity to your advantage. As you progress through the book, there will be a subconscious shift in perspective, that will help readers with understanding the importance of accepting challenges in your life as a method to become stronger mentally. This is by design.

In addition, the book expresses how critical it is be aware of your mental health state and your level of mental toughness. Each segment of the book has practical, real life examples and practices that increase the reader’s ability to develop a stronger mindset. Mental toughness is involved in every aspect of life. The relationships you have, who and what you choose to associate with, your business and career aspirations, physical health, financial wellbeing, etc are predicated upon your level of mental toughness. The master key to unlock success in these different areas of life is RAISING YOUR LEVEL OF MENTAL TOUGHNESS.

And please believe this… the level of mental toughness you live with throughout LIFE, will effect more than just YOU. So don’t be SELFISH! You have loved ones depending on you not to fold. Not to be weak. Not to give into what the world wants you to. Remember that. Someone who purchased my book a while back said to me “a lot of people don’t want to face stuff like this in your book, they’re gonna run from it”. Unfortunately, I slightly agreed with them. But this time it’s a different. From literally PAGE ONE of the book, people will be HUNGRY to read more. The strategic, honest, and motivational writing technique I opted to go for this time, purposefully pulls the reader in! And it’s not a temporary motivation you’ll be injected with that tapers off after a period of time.

For this book genre, think more self EVALUATION translates to self EMPOWERMENT, and not so much “self help”. And this mindset will help you to empower everyone you care about! An avid reader myself, I’ve noticed that a lot of the traditional “self help” books speak in generalities. A lot of the readings I’ve experienced take more of the “one size fits all” or “one common solution” for everyone approach. With my book, I decided to dive much deeper than most authors are willing to. Because it’s much needed. The current climate we live in wants us to believe it’s okay to stay in the shallow end. But no growth happens there. And your fear of the required self reflection, will still cause you to drown regardless. A river of regret, is harder to swim in than an ocean of opportunities. Yes, it’s that deep…

  • Purchase Includes Hard Copy and Digital Version

    Self Published by Kenneth Strong II

    Edited by Kenneth Strong II

    Cover Design by Diamonique Strong

    Page Count: 256

    14 Powerful and Purposeful Segments

    Genre: Spiritual - Motivational - Self Development - Hidden Truths - Historical Events - Educational



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